All kind of Credit Reports are very useful reports which may identify debtor’s current contacts and addresses, financial status including details of any known assets such as property, shares in legal entities.


Often, Creditors would like to receive useful information about their debtors in order to find out what the solvency rates of their cases are. Most of that information can be obtained by analyzing


Business reports, Due Diligence & Individual, Company Reports with Credit Rating and by screening the debtors.


Credit reports summarise debtor’s overall financial position and give us additional grounds for going or not-going legal and prognoses for successful court and execution actions.


Credit reports are prepared by our informational department up-to-date and are conducted in accordance with all relevant Turkey, Balkan Countries and European, legislation.


We provide several distinct advantages over competitors , including ;

· Accurate up-to-date information researched at the time of the order.

· Research by professionals who are fully exposed to the business practices of that company.


The term of credit report’s preparation varies from 1 to 10 days depending on requested information and debtor’s location.